03 February 2008

Finns finished before the finnish

Unfortunately none of the Finns made goal on the last day of the Pre-Worlds. The task was a short 56 km but with a few tricky places along the route.

Jouni was most unfortunate as after a twisted collapse he had 7 broken lines. Luckily he had the altitude and skills to get it all sorted out and land safely in a field.

Ari was in the leading pack but didn't find any lift near the Colora turnpoint. This area was a hurdle for many.

Jari fared better and almost made it to the next turnpoint.

Esa bombed out before the start and just went up again for an afternoon flight.

I myself (Robert) was doing very well up to the Gordo turnpoint but choose a bad line from there and didn't get up any more.

All in all team Finland could and should have done quite a lot better, especially Jouni and me. But we all surely learnt a lot and above all enjoyed the sunny sky, and the friendly atmosphere. We will be back next year, well prepared and with a lot of finnish sisu!

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